
Pottery Links 

Instead of plunging you down a rabbit hole of internet links - the distractions of the pursuit overwhelming any prolonged concentration on a single discovery - I'd like to recommend a number of books that provide insight into folk pottery and the resurrection thereof during the second half of the 20th century. These are some of the classics; you can find your own way from there. 

1. The Unknown Craftsman: A Japanese Insight into Beauty, by Soetsu Yanagi, Kodansha International Ltd. 

2. A Potter's Book, by Bernard Leach, Faber and Faber 

3. Pioneer Pottery, by Michael Cardew, St. Martin's Press 

4. Hamada: Potter, by Bernard Leach, Kodansha International Ltd. 

5. Lucie Rie, by Tony Birks, Chilton Trade Book Publishing 

6. Hans Coper, by Tony Birks, Collins 

7. The Living Tradition of Maria Martinez, by Susan Peterson, Kodansha International Ltd. 

8. Lucy Lewis: American Indian Potter, by Susan Peterson, Kodansha International Ltd. 

9. Shimaoka Tatsuzo - Living National Treasure of Japan  and Keisuka Serizawa - Living National Treasure of Japan, both Mingei International Museum exhibition documentary publications 

10. Cerámica de Mata Ortiz, Revista Artes de Mexico Número 45